What artifacts can be used as evidence of talent in a Universal Talent Passport?

What artifacts can be used as evidence of talent in a Universal Talent Passport?

The Universal Talent passport is designed to showcase a person’s skills, abilities, and accomplishments. There are many different artifacts that can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport, depending on the specific skills and abilities that a person wants to showcase. Here are some examples:

  1. Certifications and licenses: Certifications and licenses are official documents that demonstrate a person’s expertise in a particular field. They can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport.
  2. Work samples: Work samples, such as writing samples, code snippets, or design mockups, can demonstrate a person’s skills and abilities in a particular field. They can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport.
  3. References and recommendations: References and recommendations from past employers, clients, or colleagues can provide evidence of a person’s talent and abilities. They can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport.
  4. Academic transcripts: Academic transcripts can provide evidence of a person’s educational achievements and expertise in a particular field. They can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport.
  5. Performance evaluations: Performance evaluations from past employers or clients can demonstrate a person’s strengths and weaknesses in a particular role. They can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport.
  6. Awards and accolades: Awards and accolades, such as industry awards, publications, or recognition for outstanding achievements, can demonstrate a person’s talent and expertise. They can be used as evidence of talent for the Universal Talent passport.

Overall, the Universal Talent passport is designed to be flexible and adaptable to showcase a wide range of talents and abilities. Artifacts that can be used as evidence of talent will depend on the specific skills and abilities that a person wants to showcase.