Make talent visible for everyone!

To build the workforce of the future we must make talent quantifiable, verifiable and visible for everyone.

Our two pillar products are designed to transform the way people and organizations see, leverage and build talent, for good.

For individuals:

Your visibility and adaptability determine your destiny.

TalentPass makes it easy for anyone, at any stage in life, to leverage and learn from their life experiences, to grow, and seize opportunities large and small.

A FREEmium app, available Summer 2025 on the Web, iOS and Google Play stores.

Solving some of the biggest
challenges in work and education.

For Organizations:

The potential of your organization is determined by the talent of your people

TalentSync makes it easy for organizations to leverage quantifiable and verifiable data to see talent better in order to improve operations and collaboration at every level.

A FREEmium app, available Fall 2025 on the Web, iOS and Google Play stores.

A foundational technology set
to power the future of work and education

Made possible by
The LER (Learning and Employment Record) Ecosystem

A powerful new layer of the internet designed to power the future of work and education with quantifiable and verifiable talent data.

Gobekli helps organizations build integrated LER Solutions

We helps organizations create, adopt, and leverage interoperable LER data to build powerful solutions in work and education.

(LER solutions include, but are not limited to, TalentPass integrations.)

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