What can Universal Talent Passport do for alumni?

What can Universal Talent Passport do for alumni?

A Universal Talent Passport can provide significant value to an alumni of a school by serving as a digital and verifiable record of their skills, education, work experience, and other relevant information. By having a standardized and verified credential, alumni can more easily showcase their qualifications and competencies to potential employers, recruiters, and other stakeholders in the global talent market.

Additionally, a Universal Talent Passport can help to bridge the gap between the skills and qualifications that alumni possess and the requirements of employers in different industries and regions. This can facilitate more efficient and effective talent matching and increase the likelihood of alumni being considered for job opportunities that are a good fit for their skills and experience.

Finally, a Universal Talent Passport can help to promote lifelong learning and professional development among alumni by providing a clear and accessible way to track their achievements and credentials over time. This can help to enhance their career prospects and increase their earning potential in the long term.