Solving Systemic Challenges: The Power of Learning and Employment Record Technology

In a landscape where the workforce and academic institutions are intricately entwined with technological advancements, the need for…

What will high school look like with integrated LERs?

Empowering Students with Personalized Learning and Career Paths: In an educational climate that increasingly values individualized learning and…

The Evolution of LER Ecosystem: Navigating Lifelong Learning and Careers

In the digital age, our learning and career journeys have transcended traditional boundaries, thanks to the dynamic Learning…

What would Integrating LER Technology in the Classroom look like?

As educators strive to prepare students for success in an increasingly complex and interconnected world, the integration of…

Unlocking Competitive Advantage: The Imperative of LER Technology for ATS

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are the lifeblood of modern recruitment, streamlining the complex and often labyrinthine hiring processes…

Why Every Credential Issuer Should Engage and Support Preferred Wallet/Passport Partners

The landscape of credentialing programs in educational institutions is undergoing a profound transformation. With the advent of the…

Why great UTPs are needed to unlock the mass adoption of the LER ecosystem.

Embracing a Revolution in Talent Data Management In the ever-evolving landscape of education and employment, the Learning and…

Harnessing the Power LERs: A Strategic Imperative for Enterprise in 2024 and beyond

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, where talent is the lifeblood of success, one transformational factor is poised…

Bridging the Gap: How AI and Data Standards are Revolutionizing Skills-Based Hiring

In a rapidly evolving job market, the quest for equity in talent acquisition has become paramount. The traditional…

The LER Ecosystem: Paving the Way Human-Centered Empowerment

In the ever-evolving landscape of work and education, the Learning and Employment Records (LER) ecosystem has emerged as…