Ontological Refraction

Ontological Refraction

Ontological Refraction is a process we designed in order to solve for the semantic interoperability problem of creating standardized or normalized understood meaning of terms between platforms, organizations and  industries. We needed the meaning of terms used to be universally understood no matter where the STAMPs was created, carrited to or stacked with. 

In other words, Ontological Refraction is designed to create a “Rosetta Stone” to provide key for everyone to understand the list of terms, their meanings and relationships. 

When creating a STAMP file, an ontology is needed to act as a glossary or table of elements in order to identify and attribute the correct meaning to the concepts that are sequenced. 

The resulting ontology, which is used as a lense to identify relevant terms in Concept Sequencing – acts as the “Key Signature” to the STMAP file, providing it meaning and context. 

Course groups are scanned (Using Ontological NLU HeadAI) to determine their “chemical makeup”. We generate a JSON map and weighted list of the concepts & their relationships. 

We allow that to be “refracted” off of an industry taxonomy (i.e. EMSI Burning Glass or admin’s choice) to match the concepts into interoperable industry standard modifying the JSON file.


By sending course material through our design that uses HeadAI as if it were a lense and an industry taxonomy as a refraction, we create a self-generated ontology of ideas that are covered in a given course category. 

That ontology can be filtered to show the parent/child relationship of ideas, which is one of several relationships the ontology records, transforming what was just words and data, into connected ideas. 

The LMS extension will allow you to select the courses you want to generate an ontology from, process, visualize, edit and publish the ontologies, which will define all course maps your LMS generates. 


We allow the admin to make manual edits to the hierarchy, through a visualization that groups clusters & nearest neighbors, suggests inclusions and exclusions to make it easy to visualize, edit, and publish in 5-10 minutes.

Once generated, the Ontology will be hosted in the dashboard and can be exported, integrated or re-generated.

Enterprises are charged by the number of live ontologies they have mapped and published.

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